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It should stand up for what you believe in. And stand out, brilliantly.

Your brand is the amplifier of your authentic essence;
your stake in the virtual ground.
It’s the rock-steady foundation of your evolving biz.
It’s a beautiful beacon that calls home the people desperately seeking a light like yours,
and turns them into adoring, fiercely loyal fans & buyers.

At least… that’s what it’s supposed to be.

But I’m preaching to the choir, right? You know what’s up. You’ve watched fascinating brands you love in action, making millions, and kicking all kinds of booty across the globe.

Then you catch yourself wondering: how the [bleep] do they do it?!

What kind of magic or miracles would it take to build your business into a powerhouse like that?

The answer: no magic. Just simple science.

I’ll let you in on a little secret. Most of the brands you admire follow a specific methodology steeped in psychology – one that major players like Coca Cola and Apple have been using for decades.

It’s a process I know like the back of my hand, after 15 years of applying it to businesses of every scope and size (with jaw-dropping results).

So I sat down and designed a program to bring this technique to the masses, broken down into juicy, step-by-step nuggets that will propel your brand and business into the next level, and the next, and the next. See where this is going?

In other words, the best brands in the world use this technology to do what they do best, while pulling in paying customers by the truckload. And now, it’s your turn.

Let’s get it.


Master Brand (n): a business identity that’s consistent, authentic, profitable, and unmistakable in the global market. It stands out, and sparks the interest of new followers while maintaining the loyalty of existing fans & buyers with magnetic content, offerings & strategy.

If you…
…. Aren’t taking on enough clients, or selling enough products. Period.
… Have a ton of great ideas, but can’t get past the drawing board phase.
… Poured time & cash into other branding programs or support, with little to no ROI (ouch).
… Know exactly what you should be doing… but have no clue where to start.

Then this is it. You’ve arrived. Welcome! And, might I add, you’re glowing already.

Here’s what’s about to go down:

Master Brand is 5 high-intensity weeks of education, exploration, and unstoppable action.

Along with weekly courses and assignments, this value-packed program is filled-to-the-brim with

  • Assessment quizzes to help you get clear on every angle of your brand
  • In-depth, personal interviews & case studies from brands you know and love (because learning by example rocks)
  • Methods for creating a brand archetype that will establish you as a leader in your field
  • Trade secrets for ensuring potential customers will think of your business first when they need a particular product or service

Week 1: The Four Elements of a Master Brand:

Archetypes: identifying your brand, culture, and customer experience
Audiences: probing your peeps, and designing ways to bring them from pain to possibility
Aesthetics: the overall look, feel & tone of your brand
Activation: how to get what you’re doing out in the world

Week 2: Your Archetype (a.k.a. the map to help you plot your marketing strategy):

Case Studies & interviews of well-known male & female examples of every archetype
Dominant Archetype – the guiding light for your business
Secondary Archetype – the supporting guide for your brand
Tertiary Archetype – “backs you up”, and helps you make informed decisions

Week 3: Your Audience

The Primary Avatar and the Dominant Archetype – this helps you get clear on who your ideal customer is, and what their life, habits, dark secrets, and wishes are like, so you can tailor your message specifically to their desires.
Depth and Light

Week 4: Aesthetics

Art & Imagery

Week 5: Activation (Mass Marketing basics with 5 training videos)

Product Evolution & Development
Marketing & Campaigns
Brand Voice & Copywriting
Community & Network
Corporate Culture & Team building

  • Immediate access to your Brand Archetype questionnaire, as soon as you click ‘Buy’
  • A fully-customized, hardcover copy of your Master Brand Assessment. Keep it at your desk, or display it proudly on your coffee table. Crack it open whenever you need a refresher.
  • Admittance to a private Master Brand Ambassadors-Only Facebook group, to connect with fellow members, and share stories & successes

Deepen your master brand experience by upgrading to the


You’ll get group coaching calls led personally by me, recorded and sent to you as mp3, so you can keep it forever.


JenKI’m an entrepreneur, marketing strategist, and business mentor who’s completely obsessed with helping people turn their juicy purpose into their life’s work – with a bliss level that matches their staggering profits.

My fascination with branding dates back to the age of 7, when I proudly declared I wanted to work for Coca Cola. Even as a young’n, it was clear: marketing was my mojo.

In my 20’s, I scored a position with the world’s leading ad agency. An amazing mentor took me under her wing, and let me sit in while she handled multi-million dollar accounts like Apple, Nestle and (surprise!) Coca Cola. That’s how I got introduced to the Archetype models – and the way they worked for brands across the board.

I left the agency, but what I learned stuck with me. For the past 15 years, I’ve lent my expertise to Fortune 500 companies, owned my own set of retail stores, became a self-made millionaire by 33, developed successful marketing plans for small business owners, and moved crowds from center stage with adrenaline-pumping talks on new media profit strategies, and personal/professional style.

I also fell flat on my face a few times in between, and had to build myself right back up again from scratch.

Long story short: I’ve spent years in the trenches. I know exactly what works, and how to scale those methods to suit your business model.

That’s why I created this program. Because while I can’t mentor each and every one of you, I want to spread the knowledge that’s been the foundation of my success to as many people as possible. And then a little farther.


“But I’ve already done branding work… and it’s done absolutely nada. What makes Master Brand any different?”

This program isn’t about creating a pretty web presence, or catchy copy (though those are elements). It’s about building an essence for your brand, from the inside out.

From your archetype to your audience, this is all about helping you get total clarity around what you do, why you’re so amazing at it, exactly who you’re here to help, and how to reach them.

The result? A foundation that’s so perfectly, precisely YOU, that it holds the keys to your business’s evolution that you can refer to again and again. It also arms you with the direction and mass marketing skills you’ll need to start making real progress – and profit.

“I’m just not sure I can afford to invest more into this whole branding thing.”

Understood – many entrepreneurs are a teensy bit jaded when it comes to the idea of branding. Why? It could be one of a few reasons.

1. They poured money into pricey branding programs that didn’t work
2. They hired someone to brand their stuff, and have seen no upswing cash-wise
3. They’ve been following what their favorite pros do, step by step, but it just doesn’t work for them.

Here’s what I know: before you create another product or service, you MUST be clear on the way you want your business & people to feel.

Branding programs can be wonderful… but if you haven’t learned to conquer your fears and keep moving, you’re gonna stay stuck in place.
A shiny website is great… but useless if it’s out of line with your archetypes.
Taking inspiration from your favorite experts is fabulous… but copying them line by line is usually the absolute WRONG idea for your business.

It’s time to show up in the online conversation as a 1st rate version of you. Not a 2nd rate version of someone else.

This program teaches you how to say with confidence to yourself, your clients, vendors, and partners: “This is how my brand rolls. This is who I am, this is what I’m about, and this is who I serve.”

When you’re clear on that, you create something magnificently magnetic.
You develop products your people will buy, because you’re absolutely clear on what they want, and how to sell it to them.

It’s time to start seeing a real return on your efforts – and the work you love. This program will show you the way.

“This all sounds too good to be true.”

I’ll level with ya: I’m not some guru on a mountain high, dispensing sage answers to absolutely every question, or the exacts steps that will make you a millionaire.

However, I’ve got almost 20 years of experience under my belt, and a long line of happy, profitable clients in a wide range of industries. I know what works, and what doesn’t. I know the rules the Big Guys follow, and how to apply those concepts to your business, no matter how small or new.

I can help you get real with yourself as a brand, and dive into your deepest, most authentic self to guide your own expansion. That means you’ve created a business that’s so in tune with you… it’s absolutely irresistible to your audience.


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Are you hanging out ‘till you’ve exhausted all your current systems?
Or lost even more money?
Or set yourself up for another launch that never gets off the ground?

You deserve to start raking in real cash.
You deserve to be absolutely, insanely, over-the-moon excited about where your business is going.
You deserve a brand you can be proud of – that everyone sees and immediately knows, you’ve arrived. And you’re here to make your mark.

You in?
